
Geaca de blugi pictata

Cum arata acum pantofii ce i-am transformat prin pictura

Am primit acesti pantofi ce vor fi transformati prin pictura

“Magnolia” – o noua lucrare florala, pentru ca am uitat cat de frumoasa este primavara cu magnoliile

Wonderful painting! Incredible details!

I don’t need therapy, I just need to go to Italy

Just life!

The art always consists in the process. I love the nights when I am alone and just follow my heart!

Pinuri cu arta din nou in stoc! Cantitate limitata!! Scrie-mi rapid si eu ti le pun deoparte

The stages of “Train” – Share if you also like it! Thx for watching! #lifetrain #train #station

Protective cover for my #acrylicpainting

Feel free to try, error and again try!

Cele doua mari pasiuni ale mele, impletite intr-o singura lucrare…

Cele doua mari pasiuni ale mele, Impletite intr-o singura lucrare…

Being able to create… this is the purpose of my life…

Romanticizing my life to forgot about the cold outside…

Am primit aceasta comanda pentru un set de #paharepictatemanual care vor ajunge tocmai in…

Tutorial: Pictarea paharelor de șampanie pentru nunți

Pictarea paharelor de șampanie pentru nunți

When I start to feel overwhelmed and I remember I still have to make money from my art…

How I expect people react whan they see my flowers!

How I think I look when painting… How I actually look…

I don’t have talent! Just take a brush & a canvas and do it! Everybody else is doing it!


New #flower painting in progress… Just add red… carmin red

I love these funky colours!

This … 🩵🫶🏻🍷

I manifest this painting!!! Almost done!

I paint with public now!

De la o vârstă…

What you see is not all there!

When I paint…

O pereche minunată de pantofi tocmai ieșiți din ARTelier

O pereche minunată de pantofi abia ieșiți din ARTelier

Water Colours Winsor and Newton

Beautiful detail from the painting on the jacket!

Detail from the painting on the jacket!

Stories painted on walls!

Aquarella and pastel

Paint, paint again on walls!

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