
Relaxing scenery of the ocean view (nature Visualizer)

Amazing view from the local town (Nature Visualizer)

Relaxing scenery to watch that looks amazing (Nature Visualizer)

Alívio da dor crônica, dor de cabeça e enxaqueca através da poderosa música de terapia de som

Sonido ultrasónico y audible para silenciar al perro ladrando de su vecino

15 kHz – Sine wave sound frequency tone (mosquito repellent) – 12 hours

El mejor repelente de mosquitos sonido (15 kHz) y vídeo

3 hours of white noise for infants, fall asleep, fast calming, study, relax, zen, focus, increase concentration, white noise for homework & school, reduce stress, calm your mind

Una hora de concurrida calle suena, el ruido ambiental del tráfico, los sonidos de la ciudad, los coches, los cuernos, acometidas

A che frequenza hai cominciato a sentire il suono?

Yağmur bir saat rahatlatıcı, uyumak için sesler, zen, meditasyon

O oră (60 minute) de zgomot alb pentru adormit copiii

Zvuk Usisivač za bebe, bijeli šum (jedan sat)

Sound therapy – rain in a tent sounds to sleep, relax, meditation – 180 minutes (3 hours)

Sound of rain on a roof for sleeping, meditation, relaxing, calming, school, work, homework 120 mi

从大自然(风,鸟,昆虫)录制现场放松的天空视频和声音 – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

אַמביאַנט סאָונדס און נויזיז פון נאַטור, לעבן אָזערע מיט ינסעקץ, פייגל, פראַגז, ווינט – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

乡村火车站环境声音和噪音 15分钟的高音质 – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Околните звуци и шумове на централната жп гара – 15 минути с високо качество на звука – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Жазылған тірі босаңсытып, аспан бейнесі мен табиғаттан шыққан дыбыстар жел, құстар, жәндіктер – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

地球の振動 – 7.83ヘルツ(シューマン共鳴)

الأصوات المحيطة بمحطة السكك الحديدية الجانبية والضوضاء 15 دقيقة من جودة الصوت العالية – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Zvukovi ambijentalne željezničke stanice – 15 minuta visokog kvaliteta zvuka – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Umgebungsgeräusche und Geräusche aus der Natur, in der Nähe eines Sees mit Insekten, Vögeln, Frösche – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Vibrations de la Terre – 7,83 Hz (résonance Schumann)

Recorded live relaxing sky video and sounds from nature wind, birds, insects 30 minutes of high so – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Tingujt dhe zhurmat mjedisore të stacionit hekurudhor në vend – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Omgivende lyde og lyde fra naturen, tæt på søen med insekter, fugle, frøer, vind indspillet fra le – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Ölkə tərəfində dəmir yolu stansiyası ətraf səsləri və səs-küyləri – 15 dəqiqə yüksək səs keyfiyyəti – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Kua tuhia te ataata o te rangi me te tangi mai i te taiao te hau, te manu, te pepeke – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Mögliche Klangbehandlung bei erektiler Dysfunktion – hohe Klangqualität und 4K-Video

Fuaimeanna agus fuaimeanna comhthimpeallacha ón dúlra, gar do loch le feithidí, éin, froganna, gaoth – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Înregistrare live de relaxare cu cerul senin, video și sunete ambientale din natură vânt, păsări, in – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Dźwięki otoczenia i odgłosy z natury, w pobliżu jeziora z owadami, ptakami, żabami, wiatrem rejest – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Aplinkos garsai ir triukšmai iš gamtos, šalia ežero su vabzdžiais, paukščiais, varliais, vėju įraš – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Ambijentalni zvukovi i šumovi na kolodvoru – 15 minuta visoke kvalitete zvuka – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Bucșani, Dâmbovița, România – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

Live video with clear sky, high quality video and sound. Nature sound (wind, birds, insects, frogs) – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

En iyi olan sivrisinek kovucu ses (15 kHz) ve video – 8 saat, yüksek ses kaliteli – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

来自大自然的环境声音和噪音,靠近湖泊,有昆虫,鸟类,青蛙,风 – 从现场视频录制 – Relaxing and useful sounds, noises and videos

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